Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hazrat Imam Al-Bukhari رحمة الله عليه wiki



Hazrat Imam Al-Bukhari رحمة الله عليه

Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ismā’īl ibn Ibrāhīm ibn al-Mughīrah ibn Bardizbah al-Ju'fī al-Bukhārī regularly alluded to as Imam al-Bukhari or Imam Bukhari, was a Persian Islamic researcher who was born in Bukhara (the capital of the Bukhara Region (viloyat) of what is currently in Uzbekistan). He created the hadith collection known as Sahih al-Bukhari, viewed by Sunni Muslims as the most real (sahih) hadith collections. He likewise composed different books, for example, Al-Adab al-Mufrad.


Muhammad ibn Ismaʿil al-Bukhari al-Juʿfi came into the world after the Jumu'ah prayer on Friday, 21 July 810 (13 Shawwal 194 AH) in the city of Bukhara in Transoxiana (in present-day Uzbekistan).
His father, Ismail ibn Ibrahim, a researcher of hadith, was an understudy and partner of Malik ibn Anas. Some Iraqi researchers related hadith portrayals from him.

Imam Bukhari's great grandfather, al-Mughirah, settled in Bukhara in the wake of embracing Islam because of Bukhara's governor, Yaman al-Juʿfi. Similar to the custom, he turned into a mawla of Yaman, and his family kept on conveying the nisbah of "al-Juʿfi". 

Al-Mughirah's dad, Bardizbah, is the soonest known predecessor of Bukhari as per most researchers and history specialists. He was a Zoroastrian Magi and died. As-Subki is the main researcher to name Bardizbah's dad, who he says was named Bazzabah (Persian: بذذبه‎). Little is known about either Bardizbah or Bazzabah, then again, actually they were Persian and followed the religion of their people.  Historians have additionally not gone over any data on Bukhari's granddad, Ibrahim ibn al-Mughirah.

Hadith studies and Travels
Travel of Imam Bukhari

He started studying hadith in the year 205 (A.H.). He remembered works of ['Abdullah] ibn al-Mubaarak while still a kid. He was raised by his mom since his dad passed on when he was a newborn child. He went with his mom and sibling in the year 210 after having heard the portrayals of his area. He started creating books and describing hadith while still a juvenile. He stated, "When I turned eighteen years of age, I started expounding on the Companions and the Followers and their announcements. This was during the hour of 'Ubaid Allah ibn Musa (one of his instructors). Around then I additionally created a book of history at the grave of the Prophet around evening time during a full moon

At sixteen years old, he, along with his sibling and widow mother, made the journey to Mecca. From that point, he made a progression of movements to expand his insight into hadith. He experienced all the significant focuses of Islamic learning of his time, conversed with researchers, and traded data on hadith. It is said that he heard from more than 1,000 men, and educated more than 600,000 traditions. 

Following sixteen years' absence, he came back to Bukhara, and there he drew up his al-Jami' as-Sahih, an assortment of 7,275 tried conventions, organized in parts to bear the cost of a reason for a total arrangement of the statute without the utilization of theoretical law. 

His book is exceptionally respected among Sunni Muslims, and thought about the truest assortment of hadith, even in front of the Muwatta Imam Malik and Sahih Muslim of Bukhari's understudy Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. Most Sunni researchers think of it as second just to the Quran as far as validness. He likewise created different books, including al-Adab al-Mufrad, which is an assortment of hadiths on morals and habits, just as two books containing histories of hadith storytellers
(The Historian Al-Dhahabi)

Last Years
In the year 864/250, he settled in Nishapur. he met Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj in Nishapur. He would be viewed as his understudy and in the long run gatherer and coordinator of hadith assortment Sahih Muslim which is viewed as second just to that of al-Bukhari. Political issues drove him to move to Khartank, a town close to Samarkand where he died in the year 870/256.

Imam Bukhari memorial
Today his burial place exists in the Imam al-Bukhari Complex, in Hartang Village, 25 kilometers from Samarkand. It was reestablished in 1998 following quite a while of disregard and flimsiness. The catacomb complex comprises of Imam al-Bukhari's burial chamber, a mosque, a madrassah, library, and a little collection of Qurans. The cutting edge ground level sepulcher gravestone of Imam Bukhari is just a cenotaph, the real grave exists in a little entombment tomb underneath the advanced structure.

AlBukhari Mausoleum.jpg
Imam Bukhari Tomb


Sahih Al-Bukhari and extant hadith

Two of the Bukhari works on hadith;
  • Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukharī – full title, al-Jāmi' al-Musnad al-Sahīh al-Mukhtaṣar min umūr Rasûl Allāh wa sunnanihi wa ayyāmihi – "Assortment of Selected True Reports of the Prophet, his Practices and Times"); al-Bukharī's well known perfect work of art. [Note: this al-Musnad is reporting with chains of portrayal that return to the Prophet.] 
  • Al-Adab al-Mufrad; hadith on regard and legitimacy...

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